ePortfolio sessions
Follow up sessions with these students are planned.
Posted by Vickel Narayan at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: indepnedent learners, learning to learn, life long learning, performer, portfolio, stage
Posted by Vickel Narayan at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: embed technology, literacy, lms vs web 2, pedagogy 2.0, student centred
Lisa Etheridge (lisatickledpink), a second year design student here at Unitec woke up on Thursday morning (4/3/10) a Twitter celebrity! Lisa is a student involved in a project Thom Cochrane and Isaac Flitta (staff from Te Puna Ako and Department of Design) are doing with universities from Chile and Ireland.The students from all three universities in the project are using Twitter as a communication tool. The time difference between the three country makes Twitter a perfect fit.
Thom Cochrane ran a Twitter session with the students here at Unitec involved in the project and Lisa Etheridge was one of them. Lisa's first twit to the Twitterverse was "I hate technology".
At the same time in the USA Leo Laporte and Co were looking for someone new to Twitter with less than 3 followers to promote to their 150,000 strong TV show followers. Leo was doing this to show a celeb it is not difficult to get 15,000 followers on Twitter hence the random select. One person from Leo Laporte's group searched for the exact words Lisa had twitted "I hate Technology" of cause Lisa wasn't the only one who twitted these words but what made her special was that she was from New Zealand and the guy who searched for these words had just had an awesome vacation in New Zealand. This is how Lisa became their choice. It was televised live and people watching were asked to randomly follow lisatickledpink. By Friday morning (5/3/10) Lisa had more than 3000 followers ..... the number is still increasing at a steady rate of 10 followers per minute and now stands at 15,638 (as at 10/3/10 @ 11.28 pm).
All this happened, Lisa had become an overnight Twitter Celebrity and she didn't have a clue. She would have had a shock looking at her inbox. She panicked and locked her Twitter profile and spent sometime looking for answers. She after a few minutes unlocked her account and posted her second twit!
Lisa has so far had an Interview on Kiwi FM (Youtube video attached) and she is tomorrow morning featuring in a 1 minute interview on TV 1 outlining her experience so far with Twitter and the expectations from her 15,000 strong followers.
Lisa receives an iPad from Leo Laporte and one lucky follower will also receive one.
The project Lisa is involved in now has a greater scope and a global audience to learn and collaborate with. Reading some of Lisa's recent posts, she has already started making use of the knowledge and expertise from her community.
Lisa's Blog site: http://lisae294.vox.com/
Posted by Vickel Narayan at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: leo laporte, story, Twitter
Last week I took the first lot of students from the Certificate in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering course through Google Apps and Blogger. We had about 20 students in class and they all had their own laptops. I wasn't at all ready for this. David Clarke (lecturer in the course) gave me a call early Monday morning asking if I could do something with the students the same day. I was anticipating this but later in the week. I am happy to report the 2 hour session however went smoothly and I managed to achieve what was very quickly planned.
I have since put together a wikispaces resource centre for students. This will make the next session later this week easier for me. Here is the link to the wikispaces website.
Yesterday we gave out Dell Mini 9 Netbooks to a select group of students. It was very interesting to observe how excited and quick the students were to to jump on the net. The Netbooks which were given out were pre-configured hence it made it easy for the students to be connected. I have to say the first site they all opened (most of them did) was Youtube. It is suprising to see how Youtube is replacing Google as preferred search or reference website in the younger generation. The Dell Minis come with a built-in camweb, bluebooth, and Wifi, the only problem with it is limited storage space (it has a 8 gig main drive storage).
Posted by Vickel Narayan at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: cloud learning, embed technology, eportfolio, mobile learning, student centred
Posted by Vickel Narayan at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: albany high, learning commons, open, open source